Rank Info
This picture looks better than 32.53% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.84
This picture has been rated : 19 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
New Jersey
United States
20"L x 10"W x 12"H
18 Watt Eclipse Fluorescent Lamp
TopFin 10 Gallon Filter
TopFin 20 Gallon Filter
50 Watt Heater
Patience is your best friend. Do not rush your work.
Fish Kept:
2 Zebra Danios
2 Red Wag Platies
1 Sunburst Platy
2 Black Mollies
1 Silver Molly
1 Dalmation Molly
1 Moneywort in the middle
2 Hornwort (1 in each corner in the back)
Tank Size:
10 gallons
Patience is your best friend
About Yourself:
I started this hobby in april of 09. It was a birthday present for my daughter. Her first fish was an all red betta. i wanted to make a good home for it and i built this tank. he passed away 2 months later. So now i have all the fishes i posted.