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This picture looks better than 60.31% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.36
This picture has been rated : 380 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
55 Gallon: Corals:Hammer, Colt, Cabbage Leather, Finger Leather, 2 Toadstools, Blue Mushrooms, Green Mushrooms, Red Mushrooms, Yellow Poylps, Misc. Zoo's, Green Button, PolypsGreen Star Polyps, hammer, frogspwan, bubble, brain, Fish: 2 False Perc's, misc damsels, 1 Green Clown Goby Inverts: Feather Dusters, Cleaner Shrimp, pepermint shrimp Misc. Crabs and Snails