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Ranked #1554 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 2.57% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.38
This picture has been rated : 169 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89

More Info

State: New York
Country: United States
Description: 48long x 18high x13 deep (front to back). I have a magnum HOT canister filter, unknown brand light, but it is a 130watt power compact, Seaclone Skimmer, 50watt heater
Advice: Go online and learn how to make homemade liverock. It is very easy on the wallet and gives you a real sense of accomplishment seeing a reef built just the way you like it.
Fish Kept: Pair of O. Clowns, Pair of Clarkii Clowns, Pair of Blue Damsels, Engineer Goby, Neon Psuedo---INVERTS: Snails, Hermits, Long Tentacle Anemone, Arrow Crab, Emerald Crab, and a Longspine Urchin
Corals/Plants: Caulerpa
Tank Size: 55 gallons
About Yourself: Senior in highschool. Have a 55gal saltwater. and a 10gal cichlid tank.


hello mate, thanks for the interest. i'm a little peaved with the jealousy on this site, someone rated my puffer a '0'? everyday my ratings go down on my tank too....whats with that? anyhoo.....valentini puffer is probably the most chilled out of puffers, the only 'problem ' that it try to disarm my urchins to eat them. its not too much of a problem and it keeps the urchins in check lol the tank.... 60x30x24 top tank and 48x18x18 sump. the returns from the sump are 2x 3500 liters. the turbo shorty aqua medic skimmer is ran by another 3500. sump contains 80 lbs of aragonite live (wet) sand and a few kilos of live rock. it has a separate nursing tank built in with own skimmer and internal pumps, rock/sand. the top tank is 15mm glass and has around 200 - 250 lbs of aragonite live (wet) sand and 180 - 220 lbs of live rock. hidden in the rock are 2x 10,000 liters per hour power heads, 4x 5,000 lph power heads an 4x 1,000 lph. central weir descending into a false sand bed, one down pipe straight into the 1st stage of the sump and the other down pipe is gravity feeding the skimmer . if you haven't already...go to youtube and search for bertie411, the video can show so much more than i can explain, ( dont forget to leave a comment lol ) but once again, thanks for the posotive communication :) fish avatar
Hey, that eel you said you bought! Is going to outgrow you tank fast!! fish avatar


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