Photo #2 - My Cute Little 5 Gallon. Only A Jebo Skimmer With...

Submitted By: bryan on
Photo Caption: my cute little 5 gallon. only a jebo skimmer with 10 watt jebo light. soon to go upto 20 watts. life includes two clowns (gold banded and red marron ) one hermit crab. red bamboo coral a little cabbage a beautiful colony of polops feather duster, and of course a pink anemonie for my clowns. no heater. i find that it is easier to keep a 5 gallon crisp than anything else. the water is never tested one 8 ounce glass change daily. the water is so clear it looks like the fish float in space.
corals inverts - tridacna maxima - maxima clam stocking in 65 gallons tank - my giant clam from the 65 gallon
65 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - my cute little 5 gallon. only a jebo skimmer with 10 watt jebo light. soon to go upto 20 watts. life includes two clowns (gold banded and red marron ) one hermit crab. red bamboo coral a little cabbage a beautiful colony of polops feather duster, and of course a pink anemonie for my clowns. no heater. i find that it is easier to keep a 5 gallon crisp than anything else. the water is never tested one 8 ounce glass change daily. the water is so clear it looks like the fish float in space.
65 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - almost full view of my 65 gallon but poor resilution
corals inverts - heliofungia actiniformis - plate coral, long tentacle stocking in 65 gallons tank - other corner
saltwater fish - zebrasoma flavescens - yellow tang - hawaii stocking in 65 gallons tank - corner of 65

Rank Info

Ranked #1184 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91

More Info

Country: Canada
Description: simple hagen 48 inch.two jebo250skimmer(modified)plusone reta canister model xp3. lights are custom.. 10 times 40 watts plus an extra 15 watt blacklight. alsothere are two 300 watt halogen,but i have gone to the stainglass store in order to change the spectrum. work fine. never had problems. no heater, and never tested, all done by eye and carefully watching life grow.change one gallon a day an extra five percent on sundays keeps the water nice and crisp. nothing beats a polished reef.
Advice: take everything with a grain of salt..
Fish Kept: two yellow tangs.a black with gray strips marron clown.eight damsels (of three different species.about12 hermit crabs. one porcelin decorator crab (stow away, catch him if i could )and one purple lobster.and one giant clam (growing very nice without metal haloid. )
Corals/Plants: you quess, because i dont know all the names. i just love how they look
Tank Size: 65 gallons
Quote: remember the edmunds fitzgerald
About Yourself: saw my parents tank and said to myself..thats for me. never looked back.


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