Photo #1 - Best Friends - An Assorted Mushroom Rock, Fox Cor...

saltwater fish - amphiprion percula - true percula clownfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - best friends
Submitted By: gina on
Photo Caption: best friends
saltwater fish - amphiprion percula - true percula clownfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - best friends
60 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 60 gallon, i have 15 snails 15 hermits 2 emerald crabs a pair of marroon clowns, yellow eyed tang, randall's goby and pistol shrimp pair, lawnmower blenny and two firefish. 110 lbs of live fiji rock. equipment i am using: fluval 404 aqua c remora pro w/ rio 1400 pump w/ surface box 250w heater Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights (48" w/4-65 watt), now being updatef to MH 2 zoomed power head for flow. an assorted mushroom rock, fox coral, purple star polyps, green tipped hammer, sun polyps, yellow polyps, xenia, kenya tree, leather ?, rbta, open brain
60 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 60 gallon, i have 15 snails 15 hermits 4 emerald crabs 3 green cromis, a pair of false perculas, and one hippo tang (perished) =( 1 yellow tang and 1 sixline wrasse 110 lbs of live fiji rock. i finally have coralline spotting after a sever diatom outbreak. equipment i am using: fluval 404 aqua c remora pro w/ rio 1400 pump w/ surface box 250w heater Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights (48" w/4-65 watt) 2 zoomed power head for flow
60 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 60 gallon, i have 15 snails 15 hermits 4 emerald crabs 3 green cromis, a pair of false perculas, and one hippo tang (perished) =( 1 yellow tang and 1 sixline wrasse 110 lbs of live fiji rock. i finally have coralline spotting after a sever diatom outbreak. equipment i am using: fluval 404 aqua c remora pro w/ rio 1400 pump w/ surface box 250w heater Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights (48" w/4-65 watt) 2 zoomed power head for flow

Rank Info

Ranked #526 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: 60 gallon, i have 15 snails 15 hermits 2 emerald crabs a pair of marroon clowns, yellow eyed tang, randall's goby and pistol shrimp pair, lawnmower blenny and two firefish. 110 lbs of live fiji rock. equipment i am using: fluval 404 aqua c remora pro w/ rio 1400 pump w/ surface box 250w heater Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights (48" w/4-65 watt), now being updatef to MH 2 zoomed power head for flow.
Corals/Plants: an assorted mushroom rock, fox coral, purple star polyps, green tipped hammer, sun polyps, yellow polyps, xenia, kenya tree, leather ?, rbta, open brain
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Quote: fish r friendz not foooood


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