Photo #11 - Closer View Of My Red-blue Columbian Tetras And ...

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 26 gallons tank - Closer view of my red-blue columbian tetras and my neons.
Submitted By: Eva Marie on
Photo Caption: Closer view of my red-blue columbian tetras and my neons.
freshwater fish - colisa lalia - flame dwarf gourami stocking in 26 gallons tank - Closer view of one side of my tank and my gourami.
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichild
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichlid
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichlid
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichlid
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichlid
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichlid
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichlid
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 26 gallons tank - Blood Parrot Cichlid
fish tank picture - My 15 gallon tank. I have 4 baby platy who are thriving and growing strong, and 3 adult platy.
freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 26 gallons tank - Closer view of my red-blue columbian tetras and my neons.
freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 26 gallons tank - View from further back.
freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 26 gallons tank - Additional view - with my neon tetras.
freshwater fish - colisa lalia - flame dwarf gourami stocking in 26 gallons tank - A closer look at my tank with some of my fish. Tetras and gourami.
freshwater fish - gymnocorymbus sp. - black skirt tetra stocking in 26 gallons tank - This is my 26 gallon tank. I believe it's about the 4th version of decorating that I've had in the 5 months or so I've had the tank.

Rank Info

Ranked #4974 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 33.63% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.87
This picture has been rated : 15 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

State: Washington
Country: United States
Description: I am a newbie. I'm still experimenting, trying to get my tanks to look how I want them to - trying to create natural looking environments. I'm addicted already - after just a few months - and wanting more and bigger tanks. I have a 15 gallon with barbs, a 26 gallon community tank, and a 29 gallon with Blook Parrot Cichlids.
Advice: Patience. Take time to figure out what you really like, and go slow, or you'll drain your pocket book. Patience, and have fun with it.
Fish Kept: Black Skirt Tetras, Blue-Red Columbian Tetras, Neon Tetras, Gourami, Otto Cats, Platys, Angel Rams, Rosy Barbs, Green Barbs, Gold Barbs, Blood Parrot Cichlids
Corals/Plants: All plants are fake. Once I get the art of keeping fish happy and healthy down, maybe I'll experiment with live plants.
Tank Size: 26 gallons
About Yourself: I've always wanted to get into the hobby of fish keeping. I finally found the right opportunity, and I'm enjoying getting started.


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