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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
very small starter tank that i have in my room. the tank setup came with a low flow filter that hides under the hood. i took that out b/c of lack of performance and hung an AQUATECH 30-60 on the back, this new filter produces enough flow to circulate the entire tank in 55 seconds.
start small with no more than 3 small, cheap fish until you get the hang of fish-keeping. feed small amounts 3 times a day and VARY THE DIET.
Fish Kept:
Angel (1), Red Dwarf Guarmi (2), gold algae eaters (2), pleco (3), shubunkins (5), shrimp (many), ect...
fake plants and a fake hollowed out tree stump
Tank Size:
6 gallons