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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
90 gallon,tank is drivin by a mag 12 power compacts,aqua c ev120 skimmer drivin by a mag 5,36*12*12 refugium, 300watt heater, Next Reef MR-1 phosphate reactor, maxi-jet 900s on a wavemaker pro
keep at it and it will pay off in the end
Fish Kept:
Alantic Blue Tang, Bi Color Blennie, Red Lip Wrasse, Azure Damsel, True Clown, Scooter Blennie
Lots of Zoos some Duncans, Favia, Rics, Frogsporn, Hammer ETC.. about 30 corals, Most of the zoos have crazy names like Gorilla nipples, dragon eyes ked reds, just a bunch of small frags but you have to start somewhere
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
Friends got me involved always like saltwater but never took the chance,so I am giving it a shot so far so good .