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New York
United States
55 Gallon. BioWheel. Texas Holey Rock center piece. Fake plants for now. Natural substrate. Custom made LED moonlighting.
Be patient while tank cycles in the beginning. If you have a supplier that you have good luck with, no need to try someone else for fear of sick fish wiping out your tank-->Quarantine tanks are a good idea! Water Changes! Don't listen to other people, try things yourself and see what happens!
Fish Kept:
4 Large Silver Dollars, 3 6" Bala Sharks, 2 Gold Gouramis, 1 Blue Gourami, 2 Bolivian Rams, 1 Algae eater, 1 African Butterfly, 4 Tiger Barbs
Fake for now, (student- $ and moving)
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
Like to relax and watch my fish