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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
I have a 4 tanks but my favorite is my mixed peacock tank which is a 60 gallon acrylic S&S tank that I bought used for 50 bucks. It contains well over 80 pounds of lace rock and a few fake plants along with a few collected shells. Its is filtered by a Rena XP3 and a Penguin 400. I also have a 12 inch air stone buried under the rocks. Substrate is a mix of several pebble sizes (mostly river rock) and crushed coral. Lighting is from a 48 inch single tube stripe with a 20,000 K. Heat comes from a 200 watt aqueon heater.
keep fish that taste good...mmm
Fish Kept:
Kenyi- Male, 8 Eureka Blue Peacocks one is Male, 1 Leleupi- unsure of sex, 1 Strawberry Cichlid-Female, 1 Loach, 1 Gold Giant Gourami, Plecostomus
Seperate 35 Gallon Acrylic - 4 Orange Splotch Zebras 2-Male 2-Female
Fry Tank 20 gallon glass - over 50 Eureka Blue Peacock Fry almost ready to move into there 40 gallon to grow.
Fake plants, Crushed Coral and a few random shells I have collected from different places.
Tank Size:
60 gallons
"dont you hate pants" - Homer Simpson
About Yourself:
I am 24 and have been in the hobby since I was young.Though my hobby has exploded now as I have 4 tanks and my cichlids are now breeding constantly.