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This picture looks better than 84.97% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.5
This picture has been rated : 24 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Dimension: 36x12x12 (inches)
Lighting: Normal CFL/Blub (15W)
Filtration: Submerged Filter (Max Head - 1400L/h) (Max Flow - 1.5) (220v - 16W)
Air Pump: Mini Silent Bouy (1.5L/min - 3.2L/min)
Heater: Automatic Submersible Dual Insulated (Power - 100W)
(Temperature Range: 17-35 Deg Celsius)
Since you just started buy 2-3 strong fishes, let the aquarium settle down at least a month then put more fishes.
Fish Kept:
Blood Parrot, Firemouth Cichlid, 2 X Iridescent Shark, Leopard Oscar, Jewel Cichlid, Green Severum, Silver Dollar, Green Terror, Walking Catfish.
Salvini Cichlid (given away due to aggressiveness)
Artificial, Broken Earthen Pots, River Stones and River Gravel.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
I started this as a hobby when my Girlfriend asked me to build a bigger tank for her Blood Parrot and thats how I kept reading and experimenting about aquariums, fishes, their habitat and behaviour. So far I have learned and gained decent knowledge on this and accepts it as one of my favorite hobby.