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This picture looks better than 63.72% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.69
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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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New York
United States
75 gallon-48x20x18. I've used canister filters but i choose to use marineland emporer 400 power filters and I use 2. I have a third for when i get the room to set up my 125 gallon.
Know what you want when it comes to fish. The bigger they get the more its going to cost as far as the size tank, filtration, and food. I did that and got tired of it. Start slow so you dont get yourself in trouble. Enjoy every second you get to watch your fish.
Fish Kept:
4 inch silver arowana,1-7 inch Pleco, crayfish, bumblebee catfish, firemouth, and 2 angel fish that I'm caring for while my sis gets her new tank cuz her other one broke. All fish are small and will be moved to my 125 when bigger. Ive kept every fish possible so if ya need help let me know...
Plastic plants
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Have fun
About Yourself:
I'm a college grade looking for a teaching job who works to pay the bills. I've been doing the fish thing for about 3 1/2 years now and I love it and will never stop this hobby.