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This picture looks better than 90.28% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.33
This picture has been rated : 178 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
More Info
United States
72 Gallon Bow Front
20L sump
760w Odyssea Light w/ Dual Galaxy Ballast (2x250w 14k Phoenix Metal Halide and 4x65w Compact Flourecent Actinics)
HOB overflow
Quiet One return pump
2x Koralia 4 powerheads (1200GPH x2)
36" Tall x 6" Diameter Top Fathom Skimmer Modded with Sedra 9000 Needle Wheel and Mesh Mod
Pinpoint Ph Monitor
Rena Filstar XP3 (for carbon) with Rena flow through heater
Be very patient and expect everything to take much longer than you think it will. It is worth the time and effort it takes. Research everything you plan on doing with your tank, and never stop learning.
Fish Kept:
Regal Tang
Tomini Tang
Flame Angel
2x Bangaii Cardinals
School of Green Chromis
Black and White Damsel
2x Percula Clowns
Lawnmower Blenny
Mandarin Dragonette
Royal Gramma
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
Green Galaxia LPS
Candy Cane LPS
Green Slimer SPS
Green Tip Birdsnest SPS
Green Polyp Monti SPS
Purple Montipora Digitada SPS
Orange Montipora Digitada SPS
Purple Montipora Capricornus SPS
Orange Montipora Capricornus SPS
Oregon Tort SPS
California Tort SPS
Blue Tip Acropora SPS
ORA tricolor SPS
ORA fuzzy tricolor SPS
ORA rose multicolor millipora SPS
Purple Millepora SPS
Blue Crocea Clam
Teardrop Maxima Clam
Tricolor Acropora Granulosa SPS
Tank Size:
72 gallons
My Tank is a REAL close second to my girlfriend.