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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
More Info
South Carolina
United States
180 G REEF. 1 Year old. 50 G Refugium. Teck Light T5's, ASM Skimmer, Tank is NOT Drilled...Old Fashioned Reef. 90% FIJI Rock Approximately 200#. ADHI Refugium with DSB and Macro Algae filtration. 5 Koralia Power heads and 1 Little Giant Closed Loop.
Take the time to read in depth Before you begin this hobby and find very good Teachers (Thanks to Richard, Greg, Kim, and Kevin) Special Thanks to Seachem. Enjoy the hobby on a day to day basis and treat your Aquarium as if it were a Machine that needs constant maintenance. Hard work and persistence are a must in this hobby. There are also NO Short Cuts or Quick Fixes in this hobby!
Fish Kept:
Sailfin, Purple Tang X3, 5 Yellow Tangs, 1 Marroon Clown, 1 Christmas Wrasse, 1 Yellow Wrasse, Vlamingi Tang, Blue Jaw Trigger, 3 Soldier Bar's, Coral Beauty, Fox Face, Long Nose Butterfly, Virgate Rabbit Fish, Copperband Butterfly, Hawaiian Naso Tang, among many others...
Too Many to mention...heck I don't even know all the names.
Tank Size:
180 gallons
Be patient and let it Grow
About Yourself:
Fun, Hard Working, Perfectionist, if its worth doing its worth doing better than normal.