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This picture looks better than 83.83% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.43
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
I've got a 110 gallon freshwater fish tank, loaded with lava rock, artificial plants, fake coral, and large stones I found at the beach.
Go to lowes for large ammounts of rock for cheap. Also don't get hung up on ph levels and all that crap.. all u need is stress coat and some hardy fish to get your tank going. Go to actual pet stores to save money, not petco and petsmart
Fish Kept:
Blue lobsters, skirt tetra, angelfish, gouramis, plecos, bala sharks a dwarf frog, mollys, tiger barbs, platys
Plants are fake.as are the coral
Tank Size:
110 gallons
Everybody watches your back when your in the front.
About Yourself:
I love fish! Enough said..