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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
This is a 90 gallon reef/fish tank with a 30 gallon sump/refugium that runs a 75 gallon corallife skimmer. It has 2 Korilia powerheads on each side. It has a 4x 54 watt t-5 HO 48" fixture running a 12,000k daylight, 2 ATI Blue Plus and and ATI Fiji Purple.
Fish Kept:
Hippo Tang, Oscillaris, Cleaner Wrasse, Scopas Tang, Sailfin Tang, 2 Pajama Cardinals, flame angel, Niger Trigger, Green Mandarin, Lawnmower Blenny, and Scooter Blenny.
Inverts: Derasa Clam and Blood Shrimp
Bubble, Torch, Hammer, Ricordia, Various Zoas, Lavender Mushroom, GSP, Frogspawn, Toadstool Leather, Xenia, Sun Coral, Acans, Green and Red SPS, Favia, Yellow Gorgonian, Purple Mushroom, Yellow Polyps
Tank Size:
90 gallons