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United States
Some real plants, but mostly artificial for ease of care and fairly inefficient lighting for live plants (read cheapo light bar). The addition of a LifeGlo2 bulb has helped tremendously for both the plants and coloration of the inhaitants. Tank is a 65 gallon tall by All-Glass. Filter is a Marineland Emperor 400, Hydor Theo 300 Watt submersable heater and 1 small air stone placed in the pirate's canon barrel. This tank was first set up 02-22-09. I haven't had any issues with any of the equipment.
Be sure to cycle your tank prior to adding a lot of fish and add slowly when you do add fish. Research, research research....plenty of places to do this on the web. I also have a cycled 10 gallon quarentine/hospital/nursery tank which has come in VERY handy more than a few times. And above all...HAVE FUN AND ENJOY!
Fish Kept:
6 Harlequin Rasboras, 1 Zebra Danio, 4 Tiger Barbs, 1 Green Tiger Barb, 4 Bolivian Rams, 2 Koi Angels, 2 Siamese Algae Eaters, 1 Rope Fish, 1 Common Pleco, 1 Clown Pleco, 1 Albino Cory Cat, 3 Pepper Cory Cats, 2 Panda Cory Cats, 3 Porthole Catfish and 2 Japanese Trapdoor Snails.
2 Amazon Swords, 1 Java Fern, 2 unknown plants grown from bulbs. The rest are artificial.
Tank Size:
65 gallons
About Yourself:
My dad always had tanks when I was a kid. My dad had this tank, glass tops and stand just sitting in his barn rotting away. I expressed interest in starting a 10 gallon and he gave us this one instead! And now, I have a bad fish habit. lmao