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This picture looks better than 13.92% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.18
This picture has been rated : 300 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.97
More Info
4' x 18'' x 18'' tank with two foot sump
Double twin fluros, running 2 blue, 2 white
Chiller, Heater, Protein Skimmer, Mechanical filter and Biological.
Nothing Fancy, all home made.
Over 50kg of live rock
Let things settle for two months and slowly add the fish and corals.
Fish Kept:
Basic fish just for colour, 2 brown clowns (breeding now), damsels, humbugs, gobies, coral banded shrimp, usual snails, crabs etc
Daisy corals, fluffies, leathers, several anenomes, purple tipped jardini, heaps of random corals and continually adding slowly.
Tank Size:
80 gallons
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