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This picture looks better than 35.99% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.59
This picture has been rated : 39 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
Tank size * 5ft x 2ft x 2ft, Sump 5ft x 18" x 21" Octopus HOB skimmer which is now in sump,1 Ehiem 2500 ltr p/h External Canister Filter, 4 - Metal Halides - 150 watt each with 20000k Bulbs, 2 Ehiem 800 ltr p/h internal Power Heads, Fluro T5 bar with Blue Actinic Grow Lights, 2 x 300 watt heaters (one just incase) 1 return pump from sump pumping at a rate of 7500 ltrs p/h. Halides running for 8 hours with the actinics running 1 1/2 hours either side of that. Also middle section of sump is a refugium, with 2 bar fluros for lighting on the oppisite hours to main tank. Caluprea growing in tank for nitrate reduction purposes.
Please comment on any experiences you have had, every bit of help you can offer will be a great advantage to the next beginner.....( I don't claim to be experienced though, still learn something every day)
Fish Kept:
our fish
7 chromis
1 yellow tang
1 blue tang
1 lipstick tang
1 leopard wrasse
3 clown fish
1 long nose hawkfish
2 golden head gobie
1 dragonet
1 lawnmower blennie
1 dotty back
2 bar gobies
1 nigger trigger
1 snowflake eel
1 coral banded shrimp
1 coral Beauty
Approx 130 Kgs or 285 pounds of LR. Number 2 grain white crushed coral substrate, and a tennis ball size air stone.
Numerous Amounts Of
Toadstools, Anemone, Morphs, Gonipora's, Torches, Hammers, Flowers, Daisys.
Tank Size:
185 gallons
A winner never quits, but gets poor in this hobby
About Yourself:
Just the average AUSSIE, trying to have a go down under. 30 years of age and trying to make the best tank I possibly can. Please, only constructive comments or positive. Or get stuffed