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This picture looks better than 43.77% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.64
This picture has been rated : 132 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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custom made nano all glass tank with T8 Sobo lights, sera heater and EHEIM HOB filter. Using Tetra Complete Substrate and AA Aquarium Gravel. Daily dose of API CO2 Booster and Sera 24 hr aquarium fertilizer.
Bigger is usually better.
Fish Kept:
neon tetra, glowlight tetra, black neon tetra, serpae tetra, blackskirt tetra, black phantom tetra, red eye tetra, pristella tetra, congo tetra, tiger barb, golden barb, cherry barb, tinfoil barb, bala shark, hammerhead shark, red pacu, flowerhorn, severum, discus, ramirezi, chocolate temporalis, convict, kribensis, oscar, surinamensis, goldfish, betta splendens, corydoras, yoyo loach, clown loach, kuhli loach, skunk botia, colored botia, polka dot loach, dwarf gourami, pearl bourami, honey gourami, angelfish, swordtails, platy, guppy, molly,
ludwigia, hygrophilia, hygrophilia difformis, cryptocoryne, anubias, java fern, java moss, christmas moss, valisneria, dwarf hairgrass, cabomba, egeria densa, frogbit, water lettuce, bacopa, staurogyne repens, myriophyllum, echinodrus
Tank Size:
10 gallons