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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
72x18x24 Tank, dual timed orbit 6x96watt (VHO), fluval fx5,w/carbon & phos bag. 225gal hang on skimmer(coralife), No Sump. homemade nitrate reducer. works nice. turbelle tunze system, no chiller.
Be prepared for the initial cost of start-up and be ready for just about anything that may and will happen. Pay attention and everything will work itself out, Be patient!!
Never add anything unless you test for it first.
Fish Kept:
1-blue tang, 2- mated/laying pair anenome clowns, 2 blue damsel, 1-lawnmower blenny, 1- foxface, 1-sand sifting star 1-maderin goby, 2- neon gobies, 2- green anenome's, 2- cleaner shrimp, 1-sally lightfoot crabs, 1 - blue streak cleaner wrasse, 1- red snapping shrimp, 2 - yellow sea cucumbers, and anything else that just magically appears..
star polyps, 4 types of mushrooms, pulsing xenia,2 forms of montipora, green polyps, briarium,racordia. blastomussi wellsi, green slimer, goneopora,yellow gongornian,also corals i cant spell yet.......Just testing the waters!!!
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
I had freshwater for 1 week how boring for me!! i like the aquascaping and the personality of the fish and the reaction of all the living organisms.
The sucess out weighs anything bad that will happen.