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This picture looks better than 38.34% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Standard 75g with 108watts of T5HO, eheim 2026 and an eheim 2217, stealth submersible 300w heater. Substrate is layer of eco-complete, topped with gravel. ferts added rarely consisting of trace, comprehensive. Just recently added pressurized Co2 system so will update tank photos soon.
do your water changes!
Fish Kept:
5 red rainbows, 6 Maccullochi rainbows, 20 harlequin rasboras, 7 otos, 8 bronze cories, 5 albino cories, 6 pepper cories, 6 rummy-nose tetra, 5 glow-light tetra, 1 dwarf fire gourami, one clown pleco.
arg lots, couple kinds of anubis, rotala, ludwigia, swords, vals, cabomba, glosso, crypts, java moss, and others...
Tank Size:
75 gallons