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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
This is a ten gallon AGA nano-reef. There is a HOB type refugium/skimmer supported by a stand made of pvc pipe (so the fuge doesn't blow out the back wall of the tank). Other equipment includes: two 40 watt power compact fluorescent lights, chiller, a koralina nano power head and a 9 watt fluorescent light on the fuge.
Patience!! Don't add too much too soon.
Fish Kept:
1 ocellaris clownfish, several blue-legged hermits, 3 or 4 astrea snails, 1 emerald crab and several little brittle starfish that came in as hitchhikers on the live rock.
Several red, purple, and blue spotted mushrooms, 1 favia brain, 1 wellsophyllia brain, 1 cauliflower sps, several zoanthid colonies, palythoas, ricordea mushrooms and a fist sized bunch of chaetomorpha in the fuge (for problem algae control).
Tank Size:
10 gallons