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This picture looks better than 43.71% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.14
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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New York
United States
OK...let's see. It's a 37 gallon tall glass tank because it was the largest tank that I could buy to go on top of this really cool cabnet that I picked up at an antique shop in Cold Springs...Anyway, umm?
heater...Flourish Iron for water changes.
pay attention and try to have fun...
Fish Kept:
1 preacox rainbow, 2 green tiger barbs, 2 ruby dannios, 1 red fox, 3 flying foxes, 1 unknown loach(very small), 1 blue ram, 2 neon blue tetras, 4 threadfin rainbows, 2 clown loaches and more snails than I care to think about at the moment.
There's 13 to 15 different plants......................... Lace java fern...
Java fern...
Crinum calamistratum...Banana plant...Java moss...Algae balls and a few others that I honestly can not name...sorry.
Tank Size:
37 gallons
About Yourself:
I am NYC stagehand.