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This picture looks better than 52.59% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.38
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
55 gallon tank #1
-Anacharis growing for oxygen
-Double fluorescent lighting
-Whisper 60 filter + Aquaclear 20 filter
-Getting a Fluval 305 to replace HOB filters
-Stealth Heater
-If you're going to start, start big!
-READ BEFORE YOU BUY, especially before you buy a fish.
-Buy used, but buy carefully.
-Be prepared for an expensive hobby!
Fish Kept:
-Tank 1
-4 inch Blue Gourami - Raymond
-3 inch Snakeskin Gourami - Coil
-3 Inch Pearl Gourami - Beaker
-3 inch Swordtail Fish - Hilt
-2 Inch Peppered Cory - Alex
-1 Inch Peppered Cory - Pepper
-3 1 Inch Bronze Cory - Lenny, Achilles and Patroclus
-1 Inch Julii Cory - Shoo
-4 Pearl Danios
-2 White Mountain River Danios
-2 Neon Tetras
-2 Japanese Algae Eating Shrimp
-4 Ghost Shrimp (one is pregnant)
-Tank 2
-3 Convict Cichlids - Bertha, Thelma and Louise
-1 Oscar - Hermes
-1 Rubbernosed Pleco - Rover
-Tank 3
-3 Yoyo Loachs - Baldwin, Gordy, Woody
-4 Serpae Tetras - Bohemund and pals
-2 Drawf Gouramis - Blue and Red
-Tank 4
-Red Clawed Crab - Scuttles
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I got into fish by rescuing a Betta my friend was sick of. I loved Atilla and got hooked.
I now have four tanks and just recently bought an Oscar.