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This picture looks better than 76.47% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.77
This picture has been rated : 26 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
125 gal all glass tank drilled with a 1 1/2" inlet and outlet, 2 odyessa 328 watt metal halide/ T5HO lights, 250 lbs live rock, 15o lbs live sand, 2-korali power heads. 55 gal sump with 48" coralife T5HO lights, 300 gal rated skimmer, 50 lbs live rock, 30 lbs live sand, 300 watt fluval heater, 2- 200 micron socks, 950 gph return pump, and phosphate reactor running phosban.
Stick with it and start as big as you can
Fish Kept:
Kole tang, 2-percula clowns, algea blenny, green mandarin dragonet, yellow tail damsel, electric blue damsel, red honey damsel,2-firefish, green bubble tip anemone, coral banded shrimp, arrow crab, peppermint shrimp, clean up crew
Zoos, acropora, mushrooms, trumpet corals
Tank Size:
125 gallons