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The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
58 Gallon RR by Oceanic, 29 gallon sump with refugium, Coralife SS65, TLF Phosban Reactor 150, Mag 5 return pump, 2x150 Metal Halide lighting by Current USA burning Phoenix 14k bulbs, and 2 Koralia 2's for water movement. Reefkeeper Lite controlling heaters, lights, and 1/5th hp chiller.
Drill your tank for a sump, it will make your life so much easier in all aspects, being forced to use HOB things only makes more work; get the biggest skimmer you can, I don't think you can overskim a reef tank; perform water changes twice as many times as you think necessary, water changes are the best thing you can do for the health of your system; use proper lighting and leave room for upgrades down the road, test your levels weekly for dkh, calcium, and mag, and dose accordingly for low levels.
Fish Kept:
1 True Percula clown, 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish, 1 Coral Goby, 1 Yasha Hase Goby with Pistol Shrimp.
SPS, Montis, T. Maxima, T. Crocea, T. Derasa, T. Squamosa, various LPS, etc.
Tank Size:
58 gallons
About Yourself:
I started with a 29 tall which was a disaster size, moved to a 40 breeder which was great but not reef ready, and then acquired my current tank, a 58 gallon center overflow by Oceanic.