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This picture looks better than 69.03% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.6
This picture has been rated : 181 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
More Info
United States
72 bow front reef tank, power compacts, phosphate reactor, protein skimmer, uv filter, sump filter
Make sure you have plenty of time to take care of your tank and remember fast is slow :)
Fish Kept:
yellow tang, hippo tang, 2 percula clownfish, tomato clown, 2 engineer gobies, midas blenny, lawnmower goby, fire fish goby, cleaner wrasse, yellow wrasse, sand sifter goby, pencil urchin, 2 flame scallops, blue clam, emerald crab, scarlet crabs, snails and a bristle star.
2 Hammer Coral, 2 Torch Coral, 1 Sun Polyp, 1 Red Sea Fan, 2 Flower Pots (1 yellow, 1 purple), 2 Daisy Coral, 1 Xenia, 1 Toadstool Mushroom, Leather Coral, 1 White Thin Finger Leather Coral, 2 pieces of Hairy Mushrooms, 1 Pipe Organ, zoos, ball sponge
Tank Size:
72 gallons
You can never have a big enough tank!!!!