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United States
Its a standard, rectangular 10 gallon tank. We got it used with a "Tetra Whisper" power filter with "Bio-Bag" filter media. It has an "All-Glass Aquarium Incandescent Strip Lite" hood/light with mini compact florescent light bulbs. We went to Walmart and got a "Tetra Whisper Air Pump 10", some air tubing, a 6" long "Air Stone Bubble Curtain" as well as the blue and marine green gravel. We also put a large rectangular-ish rock near the left rear of the tank to give the tank a couple of different levels/"elevations".
We're new to this so don't know much advice per se. One thing we learned is that, at least with the X-Ray Tetra fish, if you put them temporarily into a bowl of some sort, be sure to cover it as they will JUMP OUT! We had to rescue some that had hopped right out!
Fish Kept:
4 X-Ray Tetra
4 Guppies
3 Neon Tetra
No live plants, just 8 nice looking fake plants and two of three fake coral decorations. We also put an octopus and seahorse decorations and two reef tunnels. There's also a large "Deep Sea Diver with Treasure Chest" bubbler decoration. (Our kids call him the "Cyclops")
Tank Size:
10 gallons