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This picture looks better than 32.31% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.83
This picture has been rated : 12 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
Normal 55 gallon rectangle tank.All stock equipment.Red and purple slate rock.
Love what you do.Do your homework before buying fish to save money.The end results are wonderful.I do a 20% to 30% water change every two weeks.I only use water conditioner.Make sure you check your water nitrates and ph levels often.
Fish Kept:
The home of Floyd and Maywether my two Black Convicks and many of their fry.1 5inch Jack Demsey named Blood.1 Leopard Pleco named Dyson.
Brown and blue aquarium gravel.Red and Purple slate rock.Driftwood log with real and fake plants.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Sorry bout pictures....Working with my smartphone cam.
About Yourself:
I started this hobby back in the year 2000.I first had red devils and african cichlids.This will be my forth tank over the years.Im a grower in the medical cannabis,so u know i really enjoy watching my tank after i had my meds.