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United States
Moderately heavy planted tank. It has taken me a year, plus some awesome bday gifts, to get this how I want it. I have a Finnex FugeRay LED, a natural Co2 system, Activ Flora Substrate, AquaClear 50 filter, several different plants that I watch make O2. Pretty amazing!
Learn all you can, but make it what you want it to be. Shop around, get to know your local shops. They have been the most helpful when I was stumped.
Fish Kept:
Bushy Nose Pleco L-144, Dwarf Puffer, Neon Tetra
I also have Cherry Shrimps galore. As for plants, there are red swords, elodia, many more that I don't know. I should have paid more attention. I bought them mostly for the looks.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid.
About Yourself:
I love my tank and the process of making it what I want it to be. It gives me joy. I hope that you can find that joy, too.