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This picture looks better than 71.91% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.66
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
100 gallon glass aquarium (approx 60x18x24) with overflow and 40 gallon sump. 90 lbs of live rock and 80 lbs of live sand. 60 inch marine orbit LED light system. 200 water heater. Protein skimmer and Rio 3100 return pump with hydro koralia power head 1500
Buy biggest tank you can afford (at least 50 gallon). Decide on type of fish you want (community or arressive). Fish only or reef. Research research and research. Be patient and don't Rush in. It is a commitment to a hobby and for the well being of your tank (a living ecosystem)
Fish Kept:
Maroon Clownfish, Yellow Tang - Hawaii, Flame Angelfish, Firefish, Blue/Green Reef Chromis, Kaudern's Cardinal, Bicolor Blenny, Orange Spotted Goby, Yellow Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse, Fairy Wrasse
Torch coral, mushrooms, various polyps, bubble tip anemones, feather duster. Emerald crab, hermit crabs, snails and various shrimp
Tank Size:
100 gallons
About Yourself:
Love the hobby, family too and certified Padi scuba diver. Banker by profession, love sports and have always had pets. Conures, fish ( fresh water previously and moved to salt) dog and ferrets