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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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New York
United States
44 Gal. Pentagonal Fishtank (3 90* angles, 2 45* angles), Small-Med sized polished stone gravel, 5 pcs. slate decor. bamboo, 2 pcs. bogwood (1 med, 1 large), Ex large pc. Indian fern, Mdl 44P flourescent light, Aqua clear pwr filter, thermal preset submergable aquarium heater, 1 Med. Panda Oranda, 1 large Chocolate Oranda, 1 Ex. Large Chinese Black Moore, 1 Large wht. Ryukin Goldfish -w- black-tipped tail + eyes. 1 (wht, blue, red, clear) patrnd beta, 2 golden dojos, 1 bristle nose pleco, 1 medium size marble angelfish and a school of six blood tetras.
Before you go and jump into getting fish, tank, etc., make sure you do plenty of research. The more you do, the more you know about the tank, the fish you want, and how to take care of everything. In doing this, you are going out and finding what you want, doing what you want, and enjoying what you want, without the petshop owner telling you "what you want".
Fish Kept:
1 Med. Panda Oranda, 1 large Chocolate Oranda, 1 Ex. Large Chinese Black Moore, 1 Large wht. Ryukin Goldfish -w- black-tipped tail + eyes. 1 (wht, blue, red, clear) patrnd beta, 2 golden dojos, 1 bristle nose pleco, 1 medium size marble angelfish and a school of six blood tetras.
Bamboo, 2 pcs. Bogwood (1 med, 1 large), Ex large pc. Indian fern.
Tank Size:
44 gallons
If at first you don't succeed, do more research.