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This picture looks better than 19.44% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.39
This picture has been rated : 270 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.46
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Puerto Rico
72 Gallons Bow Front Tank equiped with Wet n' Dry Filter and Skimmer, 1/4 Arctic Chiller and UV Light Sterilizer. Contains live rock, soft corals, sand and fishes.
You better have a good amount of money for this Hobby cause it is very expensive, but if you enjoy it is worth the price.
Fish Kept:
Beta Marine, Yellow Tang, Powder Blue, Naso Tang, White Gobi, 2 Clown Fish and a Starfish.
7 Soft Corals, 1 Anemona and 1 Feather Duster and a Clam.
Tank Size:
72 gallons
About Yourself:
I'm a boat Captain and I love the sea and Marine Creatures. I mounted my saltwater tank about 9 months ago.