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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.39
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
This is a 46 Gallon Bow front All-Glass aquarium. It has been set up for 3 years now.
Lighting: 1- 400watt 10K Ushio Metal Halide
Filtration: H.O.B. CPR Refugium, Fluval internal filter, and 6 various powerheads for flow and a Won Brothers 75 skimmer.
Don't always believe what the guy at the fish store tells you, figure it out for yourself and you won't forget how.
Don't be impatient, and READ LOTS before doing ANYTHING!
Make your aquarium a pristine environment for your animals!
Fish Kept:
Black-bird Wrasse, Percula Clownfish, Green Wrasse, Humbug Damsel.
1 serpent starfish for leftover food cleanup
1 brittle starfish for detritus cleanup
10 XLG mexican turbo snails for algae removal
25 Nassarius obsoleta snails for sand sifting.
1000's of copepods, amphipods, chitons, limpets, etc....
1- 12"+ Red Montipora capricornis
1- 8" +Green Palau Nepthea Leather
3- 6"+ Sinularia (finger) Leathers
1- 5" Pagoda Cup Coral
1- 4" Pink Pocillopora damicormis
1- 4" Green Pocillopora damicormis
1- 4" Green Montipora confusa
1- 4" Yellow Montipora vietnamensis
1- 5" Acropora solitariensis
10+ various Acropora and Montipora frags 2"+ea.
1-5" Candy Cane Coral
2- 2" Acanthastrea sp.
Tank Size:
46 gallons
Make your aquarium a "Pristine" environment for your animals.
About Yourself:
I've been in the hobby for almost 15 years now. I got into the business about 7 years ago cleaning fish tanks for a local fish store while going to school to get my marine biology degree. After I got out of school, I became the Marine Curator of the World Aquarium in St. Louis, Where I only stayed for 1 year before opening up my own aquarium maintenance business called Pristine Aquatics.