Rank Info
This picture looks better than 29.09% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.74
This picture has been rated : 47 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
I like to train my fish tricks like flips and stuff. They like it when i stick my weenie in the water. Also, i like to throw my guppies around the room and play catch with them.
Don't put ur weenie in the tank
Fish Kept:
1 ghost knife, 8 rasporas, 2 honey sunset gourami, 3 paradise gouramis, 1 golden gourami, 4 yo yo loaches, 4 balloon boesemani rainbow, 4 praecox rainbow, 1 bleeding heart tetra, silver hatchet, 2 retropinnis bichir, allbino corey cat, lepord, 2 bumble bee catfish, tiger kulhi loach, banded leporinus, pleco, red tipped shark, tiger oscar, albino angel
all real plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Titty Fuck
About Yourself:
I like to shoot hoops with the guys after school sometimes. I usually spend most of my time gazing at my little fishy friends. I also have a little shit tank that i keep goldfish in as food