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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
i have a 29 gallon fish tank. i use whisper for a air pump. the tank i bought was a Tetra brand that had everything in it except the heater and the pump. I'm new at it so, i'm looking for better equipment also.
I currently have so much fishes in my tank. it's overcrowding but they are doing fine. i do a 40% water changes weekly and I use the Tetra aquasafe and tetra Easy Balance. I also recommend API Milafix Antibacterial Fish Remedy everytime I introduce new fish. I change the filter once a month.
Fish Kept:
I have too much fish in a 29 gallon. I'm collecting different species of Tetras, so they need to be in at least 6 or more. I'm gonna get rid of some of the fishes. Hopefully I can find somebody to take them. So far, I have
Glowfish Tetras
Red Head & Tail Lights Tetras
Black Tetras
Serpae Tetras
Neon Tetras
Rosy Fin Tetras
orange tail guppy
blue tail guppy
white molly
orange algae cleaner
chinese algae cleaner
albino algae cleaner
upside down catfish
I don't recommend keeping this much at all..but they are doing really good.
I have all fake plants. I picked The Imagine Blossoms Collection. The flowery colors brings out the colors of the fish. I have 2 rocks with holes and a driftwood to make it look natural. I picked a skulls theme, so I have a bunch of skulls..so it don't look too feminine with all the flowers!
Tank Size:
29 gallons
About Yourself:
my husband bought the fish tank and I took over form there. I'm very new to it, but I love it!