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This picture looks better than 94.74% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.15
This picture has been rated : 20 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
38 gal all glass aquarium with one aquarium light, 1 internal power filter and 1 external hangon filter
This is the best thing u can have just need to know things properly before getting started
Fish Kept:
1 Red melon, 2 red turquoise, 1 blue snakeskin, 2 julli cory bottom feeder and dozens of cardinal tetra.
artificial plants and a driftwood
Tank Size:
38 gallons
About Yourself:
i had a albino oscar earliar almost about 11 inches but died due to illness which was very heart-breaking and now decided to keep discus and need to work more on my tank.