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This picture looks better than 8.03% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.56
This picture has been rated : 27 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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South Carolina
United States
55 gallon custom made tank, 48in x 12in x 21in, Aqua clear 70 Power Head, Coralife Supper Skimmer, Green Killing Machine Internal UV sterilizer with powerhead, GLO T5HO High Output Electronic Florescent Lighting System with 1 GLO 24W 22IN Life-Glo T5 HO bulb and one GLO 24W 22IN Marine-Glo T5 HO bulb, Marineland Submersible 150W Heater, about 80 pounds of live rock. 3 blue LED lights for night vision, overflow box into 30 gallon refugium.
Read online it helps me out.
Fish Kept:
2 mis-bar clownfish, 1 peppermint shrimp, 2 blue leg hermit crabs, 2 Fire worms, 1 serpent starfish, 1 valentini puffer, 2 turbo snails, 1 long tentacle anemone, 1 conch, and 4 Pacific Nassarius Snails, 1 blue koran angelfish, 1 Niger (Red Toothed) Trigger, 1 Horseshoe crab
Live rock, Caulerpa
Tank Size:
55 gallons