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This picture looks better than 80.82% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.93
This picture has been rated : 155 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
More Info
United States
72 gallon mixed reef, a lot of SPS and LPS with some softies thrown in.
Do plenty of research and don't get lazy on the tank maintenance. If you keep your water clean and feed everybody you'll be happy with the results
Fish Kept:
Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Tang, Spotted Rabbitfish, Spotted Mandrin, 6 Line Wrasse, Velvet Fairy Wrasse, 2 Ocellaris Clown, 2 Pajama Cardinals and 6 gold Chromis
Red Mushrooms, Blue Mushrooms, Eagle Eye, fire and ice and dragon eyed Zooanthids, GSP's, Xenia, Large War Coral, Large Christmas Favia, Red Wellsophylia, green Welsophylia, Neon Candycanes, Trumpet Coral, Pocilapora, multiple montiporas (digitata's and Capricornis) and various Acroporas
Tank Size:
72 gallons