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North Carolina
United States
75 gal freshwater assorted cichlid tank with other cool fish in it.
Fluval 104 Canister Filter
Fluval C4 Power Filter(love it)
fine sand and crushed coral substrate
various rocks for caves: granite, slate, lava rock, fake plants
if at first you don't succeed, try, try again
Fish Kept:
Jack Dempsey, Albino Greshakeis, Auratus, Kenyi, Bumblebee, Yellow Labs, Moorii, Red Zebra, Acei, Ruby Peacock, Demonsi, etc.
2 Plecos: common and albino bristlenose
1 Golden Chinese Algae Eater 2"
1 Tire Track Eel 5"
1 Cobalt Blue Lobster(crayfish) 4"
fake plants because the fish dig in the sand and uproot them.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
I had a simple 20 gal for a long time, so about 4 months ago I decided to pump up the volume. I am still rearranging and creating habitats for my little guys. My tank makes me so happy every day. Everyone should have a fish tank.