Photo #6 - Another Pic Of My Dicus - Discus, Angels, Tetras,...

125 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - a grown up picture of my tank, things getting to a point where they are just doing what they want with out much encouragement from me, other than regular feedings, co2, r/o water changes with added nutrients and supplements to keep trace elements in the tank for the plants and the fish. using peat moss in my canister filter along with a peat nylon bag buried in the back so it can't be seen, as an additive for the plants as well as a ph controller. hope you enjoy the newer look as much as i do, i can't wait for the micro grass carpet to finish growing across the front of the tank, once it does i am going to have to start moving plants to the 55 gallon and get that setup as all live plants with more discus and a large school of cardinal tetra along with about thirty or forty ghost shrimp.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - another pic of my dicus
Submitted By: Brandon on
Photo Caption: another pic of my dicus
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - blue diamond, marlboro red discus
125 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - a grown up picture of my tank, things getting to a point where they are just doing what they want with out much encouragement from me, other than regular feedings, co2, r/o water changes with added nutrients and supplements to keep trace elements in the tank for the plants and the fish. using peat moss in my canister filter along with a peat nylon bag buried in the back so it can't be seen, as an additive for the plants as well as a ph controller. hope you enjoy the newer look as much as i do, i can't wait for the micro grass carpet to finish growing across the front of the tank, once it does i am going to have to start moving plants to the 55 gallon and get that setup as all live plants with more discus and a large school of cardinal tetra along with about thirty or forty ghost shrimp.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - another one showing size diff, not the best quality picture, am not expecting high ratings on this one, but it gives a clarity to the size of the fish, the young red turquoise upfront is about 3.5 inches in lengh the blue diamond is just about double the size of the red turquoise
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - white discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - blue diamond in back, immature pigeon blood upfront. (Symphysodon aequifaciatus) in this one you can really see the size difference between the young discus and the fully mature blue diamond
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - marble veil angel stocking in 125 gallons tank - Marbled Angel
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - another pic of my dicus
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - red marlboro discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - Marlbor Red, Symphysodon aequifaciatus Dwarf puffer, also known as the pea puffer
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - Symphysodon aequifaciatus, Blue Diamond
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - discus, Blue Diamond, red turquoise, red Marlboro, pigeon blood, fresh water clam, discus belonging to the Symphysodon aequifaciatus family,
125 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - the final product, i am 100% satisfied with the amount of plants i now have as well as quite happy with the lay out and the growth at the moment, please feel free to comment, and or leave any suggestions. Brandon
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - red turquoise discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - discus, red turquoise (s. aquifaciatus)
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - pigeon blood discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - my pigeon blood discus, immature as you can tell by coloring
freshwater fish - turquoise checker board discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - discus, turquoise checkerboard, (atleast that's what the lfs called it)
fish tank picture - fresh water flounder, 1 of three
freshwater fish - papiliochromis ramirezi - german blue ram stocking in 125 gallons tank - my blue ram
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - white discus stocking in 125 gallons tank - my "three amigos"
fish tank picture - close up of one of my lilies and some neons
fish tank picture - here is another one, sorry for the glare in any of the pics from the flash or from the windows in my living room, is quite bright out and i tried to block as much as possible for the pics. please leave comments.
125 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 125 gallon long, penn plax cascade 1200 canister filter, two air stones, two 55 gal co2 injection canisters, one spectra max 6500k full spec lamp, one flora-glo 2800k plant lamp. fish- Discus, angels, cory cats (many diff kinds) gold algae eaters, trap door or mystery snails, fresh water clams, fresh water flounder, neons, fruit tetras, danios, diamond tetra, soon to add some ghost shrimp for cleaners and snacks for the discus and angels. Plants: anubias nana, java fern, java moss, moss balls, dwarf lilies, money wort, purple cabomba, aluminum, pineapple plant, baby tears, wendtii (red and green), crypts ( regular and spiral), red indian swords, and many odd ball plants that were bought for me.

Rank Info

Ranked #1405 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 81.25% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.31
This picture has been rated : 48 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.97

More Info

State: New York
Country: United States
Description: .125 gallon long, penn plax cascade 1200 canister filter, two air stones, two 55 gal co2 injection canisters, two spectra max 6500k full spec lamp, two flora-sun 5000k plant lamp.
Advice: read, read, and read some more, don't go into anything blindly, the more knowledgeable you are the better off you are going to be and the less money you will waste. take your time and work up to it!
Fish Kept: discus, angels, tetras, cory cats many variety, fresh water clams, fresh water flounder, snails, algae eaters, danios,fw dwarf puffers, german blue ram,neons, and a few other misc fish from another tank i had setup.
Corals/Plants: plants are now all live!! anubias nana several, several dwarf lilies, lace swords, moss balls, 2 mother amazon swords, many many babies from them, baby tears, dwarf baby tears, java fern, java moss, spiral crypts, red and green crypts, money wart, cabomba, cherry hedge, onion plants, several other misc plants, micro swords, fox tail red and green, no names for them, all totaled somewhere around 70 diff plants in my tank (not counting the baby swords) if i were to count them it would put me over 100 live plants in the tank. lol is the plant to gal ratio 1 plant per gallon? LOL ok sorry just had to do it.
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Quote: "Just keep swimming!"
About Yourself: I have switched from african and south american cichlids, to more docile fish, yes i know discus are cichlids, lol well i am more than just dabbling these days in planted aquariums, lol anything worth doing is worth doing right and with your foot to the floor so to speak, patience is key but don't be afraid once you have a properly cycled tank to add as many plants as you can properly sustain.


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