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This picture looks better than 23.54% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.57
This picture has been rated : 42 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
rio 180, 101cm x 40x 50. filtered by a eheim 2026 and i have removed the jewel standard filter, the lights are just the standard lights that came with the tank and have been fitted with reflectors, using hagen c02 system and a hydor co2 system
always ask first.
Fish Kept:
i angelfish 1, spotted perch, 1 ropefish, 4 golden panchax, 4 boesmani rainbows,four congo tetras, mixed shoal of corys, blue phantom pleco and a pair of kribensis
amozen swords, java fern, java moss mixture of different anubais,Nesaea Crassicaulis,Nymphaea stellata
Tank Size:
40 gallons
when you aim for oerfection , you discover its amoving target
About Yourself:
when i was young, myself and the family used to visit a chinese restuarant which had a fish tank and even though i was young i always insisted we sit beside the tank, needless to say i am still found of chines and fish keeping