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This picture looks better than 22.75% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.55
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
Standard 55 gal tank built into the wall.Split hood with 2 18in. lights, Emperor 400 filter and under gravel filter with 2 power heads, an 2 bubble stones.
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Anything you can find out helps. Try to find a mom pop type fish store that has been around for awhile that can be very helpful.
Fish Kept:
In the 55 we have 2-Blue Cobalts, 1-male Blue Johanni, 2-Pseudotropheus Elongatus, 1-male Borleyi, 3-Red Zebras, 2-Yellow Labids, 1 male Copadichromis Azureus 2 male Peacocks 1-male Damasoni, 1-gold with black stripes. In the ten 3-Fancy Guppies 2-Black Mollies and 2-Zebra Danios
3 fake plants, 30 lbs. of flagstone, 25lbs. of lava rock, 1 fake tufa stone, 2 PVC tunnels under the gravel.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
My son and I just enjoying fish.