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This picture looks better than 46.71% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.07
This picture has been rated : 148 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.44
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United States
75 gallon tank
2 Aqueon 40 Filters
2 #2 Koralia
2 150 watt heaters
2 T-5 Coral Life 36 watt white and actinic lights.
80 lbs of live rock
3 inch live sand
Fish: Blue Hippo Tang, Fiji Foxface, Gold Striped Maroon Clown, Paired Pink Skunk Clownfish, Lawnmower Blenny, Pink Spot Goby, Copperband Butterfly, Leopard wrasse.
Inverts: dozens of hermit crabs, dozens of trochus snails, 6 peppermint shrimp, 2 urchins, 1 serpent starfish, 1 sand sifting starfish, 1 bubble anemone.
Coral: Pink xenias, large green bubble, large leather, torch corals, mushrooms, zoos/polyps, green brain, orange sponge
Beneficial bacteria, let nature happen on it's own as much as possible.
Fish Kept:
Fish: Blue Hippo Tang, Fiji Foxface, Gold Striped Maroon Clown, Paired Pink Skunk Clownfish, Lawnmower Blenny, Pink Spot Goby, Copper band Butterfly, Leopard Wrasse.
Have kept: Blue jaw triggers, Volitan Lionfish, Purple Tangs, Scopas Tangs, almost every type of Clown Fish, Powder Blue Tang, Chalk Basslets, Mandarin Gobies.
Coral: Pink xenias, large green bubble, large leather, torch corals, mushrooms, zoos/polyps, green brain, orange sponge.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
Always had a fresh water tank. My youngest son wanted to get "Nemo" so I decided to try a saltwater tank, failed misserably, then finally got it right.