More Info
United States
48"x18"x24" all glass brand tank. Magnum 350 cannister and a top fin 60 hanger for filtration. Coralife 50/50 actinic bulb for lighting. Aqueon 300 watt heater.
Keeping a clean tank is of great importance. Don't overstock your tank. Also, in this case.... bigger is better. Get the biggest tank affordable, and what fits your home.
Fish Kept:
2 oscars, 1 tiger and 1albino, one 3" and one 4". 3 nice sized angels, 4 silver dollars, 1 rainbow shark, 1 pleco, and around 13 tiger barbs.
All fake
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Put the thing in the thing
About Yourself:
Watching my fish is very relaxing. My 2 oscars are like little dogs. They come to the front of the tank every time I come to watch them. They know who I am and just about jump out of the tank when I come near. They would eat 10 times a day if I let them. I keep a very clean tank and my reward is happy healthy fish!