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This picture looks better than 63.89% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.69
This picture has been rated : 13 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
55 gallons marineland tank 48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 21 .
Current USA Satellite 48" 2 x 65 Watt Power Compact-Single Strip W/2 Lunar Lights
1 Marineland Emperor Bio-Wheel 400 Power Filter
1 fluval 305 canister filter
1 Zoo Med Power Sweep 228 Powerhead
Always keep your tank clean and do plenty of water changes
Fish Kept:
1 blue Turquoise Discus 2 wild discus 3 clown loaches
2 -yoyo loach
3- Emerald Green Cory Cat
2- Blue Gourami
2-rainbow bosemani
2 -Boesemani Rainbow
2 congo tetra
3 buenos aires tetra
4 white cloud
1-8 year old pleco. plus some tetras
amazon sord .anubias .watersprite and others
Tank Size:
55 gallons