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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
just started up my new a.c. Tank up. I got the tank and stand for free online. Sanded and painted the stand. went and got play sand from home depot. Washed it out real well. Added 2 big slate rocks on each end. Got a piece of driftwood for the center of the tank. Also found a 3ft long vine artificial plant that is under the drift wood. Also planted some blotches of grasses around the tank to keep the green appeal going. I am running just your basic lights. I am in the procces of going to led. I also run 2 penguin 400 filters which do more than enuff cleaning. I had some 3d background I was going to use on this tank but could not get it to work with my 2 big filters. So I am saving them for my new tank.
just tank as much info from different hobbyist as you can
Fish Kept:
I have at the moment 9 African chilchlids( 3orange 3 blue 3 yellow) also have 2 rubber lip plecos 1 pictus catfish and 1 ralphel catfish. also have 3 snails and a hand full of ghost shrimp( which I added about 6-7 aweek to help keep waste down and also a treat for the fish) I had some 3d background I was going to use on this tank but could not get it to work with my 2 big filters. So I am saving them for my new tank.
See dis above
Tank Size:
55 gallons