Photo #1 - My Bullrout (notesthes Robusta) Found On The Eas...

Submitted By: shredder on
Photo Caption: my bullrout (notesthes robusta) found on the eastern side of australia lives in brackish water and fresh it is a greedy predator that ambushes its prey it is a scorpionfish one has to be cautious with handeling since it dose have poisionous spines the sting is quite painful and at mature age u would be in for a visit to the hospital they are one of my fav fish they can be tamed if u can get them at an early age
freshwater fish - notesthes robusta - bullrout stocking in 50 gallons tank - my bullrout (notesthes robusta) found on the eastern side of australia lives in brackish water and fresh it is a greedy predator that ambushes its prey it is a scorpionfish one has to be cautious with handeling since it dose have poisionous spines the sting is quite painful and at mature age u would be in for a visit to the hospital they are one of my fav fish they can be tamed if u can get them at an early age
50 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - nearly finished need to get a few new plants and let everything grow
50 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - just ordered a few new plants
50 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 120x60x60 cm i was bored. im running 4x 54watt T5 tubes home made CO2 and a FX-5 cainster filter and 40kg of red sea flora substrate

Rank Info

Ranked #222 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 97.04% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 6.48
This picture has been rated : 50 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

Country: Australia
Advice: add slowly but think big
Tank Size: 50 gallons
About Yourself: i've been interested in fish for a long time i used just have cichlids but now iam interested in planted tanks its so much give it a try


heard of those, but I do have plants fr natrites and the biomedia for the ammonia and nitrite.And judging by my water tests this morning, the media I had is still living. Ammonia is 0 in both tanks, nitrite is 0 in both tanks and nitrate is high in both tanks, but I will be doing a water change later today to fix that. The natrites are 40-80ppm, so its higher than I normally let it get, but not what I would think is deadly. Thanks for the comments everyone fish avatar
very cool, but what do you mean by tamed? does it fetch? ;) awesome tanks fish avatar


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