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This picture looks better than 94.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.59
This picture has been rated : 169 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United Kingdom
Aquamedic percula 120, tunze auto top off, phosphate + carbon reactor, UV steriliser, 2 x tunze stream pumps, 2 x 54W T5 + 2 x 150 W 16k halide
have a go and find what works for you. Be aware this becomes the most addictive hobby ever which can hit your wallet hard!
Fish Kept:
1 x regal tang, 1 x yellow tang, 1 x fireball Dwarf angel, 5 x blue / green chromis, 1 x royal gramma, 2 x clowns, 1 x yellow tail damsel 1 x skunk cleaner, 1 x scarlet shrimp, mamy hermits, turbos and other snails
array of soft and LPS corals only.
Tank Size:
110 gallons